International Standing Conference for the History of Education

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Date / time: 23 July - 26 July, All day

Institute of Education

International Standing Conference for the History of Education

The 36th International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE) has for its theme ‘Education, War and Peace’: it aims at addressing relationships between education and war, and also the role of education in fostering peace. War includes armed conflict between nations, but also other forms of belligerence between rival forces within and across states such as civil wars, culture wars, cold wars and types of warfare, for example ideological or economic warfare and physical combat in all its forms. peace includes a formalised state of harmony and also embraces reconciliation and collaboration towards shared goals. Education takes many forms, insittutional and informal, and contributes to war and peace through formal systems at all levels from school to university, and including military training, civics and citizenship education, museums, peace movements, art, the media and official propaganda.

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