Next session of the seminar In Search of Britain will welcome Hilary McEwan (Archivist, Commonwealth Secretariat) on 26 May 2021 (4PM GMT) for a presentation entitled “From empire to Commonwealth: The Commonwealth Secretariat Headquarters and Archives”.
For the zoom link, please contact melanie.torrent@u-picardie.fr and marie.jose.ruiz@u-picardie.fr
Link to the programme of seminar “In Search of Britain” https://searchofbritain.wordpress.com
Hosted by the université de Picardie Jules Verne in Amiens, France, ISB was created in 2017 and aims to bring together researchers in British history from all periods and all fields.
n Search of Britain focuses on the construction, redefinition and transmission of British culture and society, the drivers and actors of local and global revolutions and the influence of individual and collective forces on the construction of ‘norms’, British symbols and myths. The works presented in the seminar represent an opportunity to reflect on the place of the United Kingdom in the world, the influence of the international scene on the British state and society, as well as the weight of imperial and colonial legacies.
Each session, built around a presentation and a collective discussion, is an opportunity to engage in the most recent historiography and to question the methodologies of research on British areas, with a transdisciplinary outlook.
In 2021, the seminar takes place on zoom on Wednesday evenings at 4PM GMT, and it is run by Pr Mélanie Torrent (melanie.torrent@u-picardie.fr) and Dr Marie Ruiz (marie.jose.ruiz@u-picardie.fr).