German Historical Institute, London
4 February 2015 Frank Bosch (Potsdam) Fault Lines of Modernity: Global Effects of Regional Events at the End of the 1970s
Uffa Jensen (Berlin) Did Freud Really Invent Psychoanalysis? A Global History in Berlin, London and Calcutta 1910-1940
27 January 2015 Patrick Harries (Basel) The Long Middle Passage: Cape Town, the Americas, and the East African Slave Trade
10 February 2015 David D’Avray (London) Medieval and Early Modern Catholicism: How Different were They?
17 February 2015 Harriet Rudolph (Regensburg) Entangled Objects? The Material Culture of Cross-Cultural Negotiations: Habsburg-Ottoman Diplomacy (1527-1648)
3 March 2015 Alexander Nutzenadel (Berlin) Capitalism from Below: Urban Real Estate Markets and Homeownership in Europe around 1900
For full programme information please visit http://www.ghil.ac.uk/events_and_conferences/seminars_and_lectures.html