German Historical Institute, London

For full and detailed information on the seminars, visit: http://www.ghil.ac.uk/seminars_and_lectures.html
6 October 2015
Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha) “Drugs and Oriental Studies in the Seventeenth Century: Towards an Intellectual History beyond East and West”
20 October 2015
Elizabeth Harvey (Nottingham) “gender, Race and the Wartime Workforce: The Nazi Labour Administration and Female Forced Labour from Occupied Eastern Europe”
27 October 2015
Lawrence Goldman (London) “Founding the Welfare State: The Collective Biography of William Beveridge, R H Tawney, and William Temple”
24 November 2015
Joanna Bourke (London) “‘Going Ballistic’: A New History of Aggression”
10 December 2015
Klaus Weinhauer (Bielefeld) “The Return of the ‘Many Headed Hydra’? Protect, Social Movements, and Violence in the Phase of Global Upheaval (c. 1916-23)
In conjunction with the Seminar in Modern German History, Institute of Historical Research
Seminars are held at 5.30pm in the Seminar Room of the German Historical Institute, 17 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2NJ. tea is available from 5.00pm in the Common Room, and wine is served after the seminars.
Please check for any last minute changes on 020 7309 2050 or visit: http://www.ghil.ac.uk