The Force of History: Critical Perspectives on the Historiography of Modern Italy

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Date / time: 25 November - 26 November, All day

Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, University of London

The Force of History: Critical Perspectives on the Historiography of Modern Italy

The ASMI annual conference will be held jointly this year with the Institute of Historical Research’s Modern Italian History Seminar.The seminar, which is sponsored by ASMI, this year marks its twentieth anniversary. In that time, it has hosted numerous speakers who have given papers on many aspects of modern Italian history. One of the convenors of the seminar was Christopher Duggan, who was also Chair of ASMI at the time of his death in November 2015. The conference offers an opportunity to reflect on the state of historiographical debate on a range of themes that figured prominently in Christopher Duggan’s work, and to explore the roles of British historians and of the seminar itself in the historiography of Italy.

ASMI Annual Conference 2016The Force of History: Critical Perspectives on the Historiography of Modern Italy

25 November: Institute of Historical Research (IHR) / 26 November: Italian Cultural Institute (ICI)

Friday 25 November, Institute of Historical Research (IHR), Wolfson room

10.00 – 10.30 Registration

10.30 – 10.45 Welcome (Lawrence Goldman, Director IHR) and Opening remarks (Stephen Gundle, Chair ASMI)

10.45 – 12.30 Panel I: British historians and the history of Italy

Chair: Ilaria Favretto (Kingston University)John Foot (University of Bristol); Giulia Albanese (Università di Padova)David Laven (University of Nottingham); Marco Meriggi (Università di Napoli Federico II)

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch break (please make your own arrangements)

13.30– 15.00 Panel II: Duggan’s Crispi in Transnational Perspective

Chair: Axel Körner (University College London); Anne Bruch (Universität Hamburg); Giles Pécout (École Normale Supérieure, Paris); Marcella Sutcliffe (University of Cambridge)

15.00 – 15.30 Tea break

15.30 – 17.00 Panel III: Twenty Years of the IHR Modern Italian History Seminar

Chair: Carl Levy (Goldsmiths, University of London); Adrian Lyttelton (Johns Hopkins University – Bologna Center); Daniela Luigia Caglioti (Università di Napoli Federico II)

17.00 – 18.00 Keynote speaker: Marie-Anne Matard Bonucci (Université Paris 8) ‘Fascismo, violenza, totalitarismo’

18.00 – 19.00  ASMI Annual General Meeting


Saturday 26 November, Italian Cultural Institute (ICI)

9.00 – 9.30 Registration

9.30 – 11.10 Panel I: Fascism and Totalitarianism: Chair: Maria Sophia Quine (Oxford Brookes University)

The Politics of Consent

Keynote: Paul Corner (University of Siena and Director of Centre for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes). Dictatorship as Experience: Perspectives and Problems; Kate Ferris (University of St Andrews). Outside the State? The Politics of Everyday Life in Fascist Italy; Ugo Pavan Della Torre (Independent researcher). The Italian National Association of Disabled Servicemen (ANMIG) and Fascism

Panel I/II: Legacies of Fascism, Chair: Marzia Maccaferri (Goldsmiths, University of London)

Cultural Legacy

Hannah Malone (University of Cambridge) Architectural legacies of fascism; Dario Pasquini (Independent researcher) Longing for purity. Fascism and Nazism in Italian and German satirical press (1943-1963); Giuliana Pieri (Royal Holloway, University of London). Fascist Art: a disputed legacy; Beatrice Sica (University College London). A Battle of Images in Postwar Italy: Unseated Knights as Champions of Anti-Fascism

Panel I/III: The Mafia, Chair: John Dickie (University College London)

Vittorio Coco (Università di Palermo) Christopher Duggan, la mafia, il fascismo; Carolina Castellano (Università di Napoli). Criminal groups in Campania between Fascism and the Second World War: a case-study; Daron Acemoglu (MIT), Giuseppe De Feo (Univ. of Strathclyde), Giacomo De Luca (Univ. of York). Men of honour and men of order: Social conflict and the expansion of the mafia in the Sicilian countryside; Samantha Owen (Curtin University, Western Australia). Celebrating Unity: Danilo Dolci, clientelism, Waste and transnational conversations

11.10 – 11.30 Tea break

11.30 – 13.10 Panel II The Mafia, Chair: John Dickie (University College London)

Keynote: Salvatore Lupo (Università di Palermo). Il fascismo e la Mafia.Manoela Patti (Università di Palermo). Il fascismo, l’antimafia e la selezione della classe dirigente locale. Il caso palermitano; Tommaso Baris (Università di Palermo). L’accusa di associazione mafiosa negli esposti anonimi tra realtà ed autorappresentazione del regime fascista

Panel II/II Fascism and Totalitarianism, Chair: Maria Sophia Quine (Oxford Brookes University)

Cultures of Consent

Richard Bosworth (Jesus College, Oxford). Fascism and other Italian Histories in the Emotions of Claretta Petacci and her Family; Enrica Asquer (Gramsci Institute, Bologna). Writing to the Regime: Conflicts and Contradictions in Fascist Jews’ Letters to Demorazza; Alice Gussoni (Pembroke College, Oxford). Gaetano Salvemini and the Anti-Fascist Struggle from Abroad; Giuliana Minghelli (McGill University). History and Emotion in Franco Fortini’s I cani del Sinai

Panel II/III Legacies of Fascism, Chair: Marzia Maccaferri (Goldsmiths, University of London)

Political and Intellectual Legacy

Nick Carter (Australian Catholic University). ‘I’m busy flying.’ Remembering Italo Balbo: aviator, pioneer, adventurer; Squadrist, Fascist, murderer; Carl Levy (Goldsmiths, University of London). The Social, Cultural and Political History of the Term ‘Totalitarianism’ (the Italian Dimension): some reflections on a new project; Margherita Sulas (Università di Cagliari). La persistenza del mito mussoliniano nella destra postfascista italiana negli anni del centrismo

13.10 – 14.10 Lunch break (please make your own arrangements)

14.10 – 15.50 Panel III Legacies of Fascism. Chair: Marzia Maccaferri (Goldsmiths, University of London)

Removals and Commemorations

Keynote: Marcello Flores (Università di Siena and INSMLI). The Legacies of Fascism: continuities and rupturesMirco Carrattieri (Università di Bologna and INSMLI). Who is afraid of Predappio? The debate about a national museum of fascism in Mussolini’s birthplace; Charles Leavitt (University of Reading). “La favola dell’anno zero” in Post-Fascist Italy

Panel III/II Fascism and Totalitarianism, Chairs: Maria Sophia Quine (Oxford Brookes University), Adrian Lyttelton (Johns Hopkins University – Bologna Center)

A People’s Dictatorship?

Simone Duranti (Università di Siena). Instruments of Propaganda? The Fascist GUF (Gruppi Universitari Fascisti) and the Limits of Totalitarianism’; Gioachino Lanotte (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano) Mussolini and his Orchestra: Songs and Radio Between Propaganda and Censorship.

Panel III/III The Mafia, Chair: John Dickie (University College London)

Rossella Merlino (Bangor University). Redefining mafia “culture” beyond culturalism: the case of Cosa Nostra and religion; Amber Philips (University of Bristol). Ndrangheta in the news: contrasting national and regional press representations of the 1969 Montalto summit; Luca Palermo (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli). Ethics and aesthetics: street art for the regeneration of a real estate confiscated from the camorra. An Italian study case

15.50 – 16.30 Tea break

16.20 – 17.30 Documentary film: ‘Bologna 2 agosto 1980: la strage'(including Q&A with director Vanessa Roghi)

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