Empire of the Dead: The Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Scotland, and the Birth of Modern Commemoration

Date / time: 19 April, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


In this public lecture, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s Official Historian, George Hay, will explore the Empire of the dead – the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Scotland, and the birth of modern commemoration.

This event is part of the Royal Society of Edinburgh-funded Second World War Studies Network (Scotland). This Network aims to facilitate discussion and the exchange of ideas on the theme of the Second World War. It is hosted by the University of Edinburgh in collaboration with National Museums Scotland. One of its key external partners is the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

This event will take place at the National Museum of Scotland. It includes an audience Q&A and is suitable for ages 14+.

Please sign up for tickets here: https://www.nms.ac.uk/exhibitions-events/events/national-museum-of-scotland/empire-of-the-dead-commonwealth-war-graves-commission-scotland/