Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, University of London
This day-conference seeks to offer an overview of the history of celebrity from the beginnings sketched out by Antoine Lilti and through to the present day. How has celebrity been understood? What forms has it taken? Can we detect stages in its development?
9.30-9.40 – Welcome
9.40-11.10 – Panel 1 – Thinking Celebrity in the Eighteenth Century
Ariane Fichtl, Antique Parallels to Eighteenth-Century Concepts of CelebrityGabriel Wick, The Mémoires Secrets, Monceau, and the Reinvention of the Duc de ChartresBlake Smith, The Scholar As Celebrity: Anquetil Duperron’s Discours Préliminaire
11.10-12.40 – Panel 2 – Celebrity Bodies
Chris Haffenden, Seeing Jeremy Bentham in the Context of Celebrity CultureJessica Hamel-Akré, Mystical, Medical, and Criminal Celebrity in the Case of Ann Moore, the Fasting Woman of Tutbury3.Meagan Mason, The Physiognomies of Virtuosi in Paris, 1830–1848
12.40-1.30 – Lunch
1.30-3 Keynote – Pr Antoine Lilti, Public Figures and Private Lives: the Invention of Celebrity
Respondents Pr Colin Jones (QMUL) and Dr Emrys Jones (KCL)
3-3.15 – Coffee break
3.15-5 – Panel 3 – Recording celebrity
- Madison Mainwaring, Celebrity and Ballet in the Early Nineteenth Century
- Lewis Hughes, Revealing the Authentic Self: Victorian Celebrity Interviews
- Holly Grout, Between the ‘Miss’ and ‘Mistinguett’: Fashioning Celebrity in Modern Memoir
- Thibaut Casagrande, Actresses as Novel Characters: Literature Rewriting Celebrity Narratives
The conference is co-organized by Anaïs Pedron (Queen Mary University of London,a.c.pedron@qmul.ac.uk) and Dr Clare Siviter (Université Blaise-Pascal, clare.siviter@univ-bpclermont.fr). The workshop is generously funded by the Society for the Study of French History, the School of History and the Eighteenth-Century Seminar at Queen Mary University of London.
Registration is free, but in order to allow this conference to be as open to as many people to attend as possible we are only able to offer lunch to invited speakers.
Registration here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/early-career-researchers-day-conference-on-the-history-of-celebrity-tickets-31058235017
Please send enquiries to queenmaryfrenchforum@gmail.com.