Come Together: Developing collaboration between archives services and Higher Education

Date / time: 25 June, 10:30 am - 4:00 pm

Come Together: Developing collaboration between archives services and Higher Education

In 2015 the National Archives published a ‘Guide to Collaboration between the archive and higher education sectors’. Since its publication there have been a number of developments across both sectors, so following consultations and desk-based research in 2018 the guidance has been refreshed. The revised guidance is aimed at those considering collaboration and those who wish to develop their collaborative practice further. It covers:

Types of collaboration.

  • Forming a collaboration
  • Developing collaborative working
  • Recording activities and capturing impact
  • Successful collaboration advice

In June 2018 a pilot workshop to introduce the guidance and support networking between archive staff and academics took place. Following on from the pilot’s success TNA, History UK, and MALD have collaborated on taking the workshop around England and Wales. It is being delivered in seven venues across the two nations.

Book here:

This one-day workshop will introduce the revised guidance highlighting key areas of change. It will also explore practical ways to identify, develop, and sustain cross-sector collaborations. It will include:.

  • Understanding the archive and higher education sectors – drivers, initiatives, support, and language. Identifying organisational and project priorities
  • The collaborative lifecycle. Understanding outputs and outcomes – mutually beneficial and sector/organisational specific.
  • Measuring impact in cross-sector collaborations
  • An outline of recent updates to REF, TEF and Research Councils
  • Priority setting for partnerships. Networking opportunities between the sectors

Pilot participants comments:“It was great fun, and an excellent opportunity to network with people from both the HE sector and from the Archive sector.”“Excellent interactive activities which really opened up opportunities for making contacts and discussion.”“It was a total buzz – I loved the actives – and the new contacts and the insights were great.”

Registration 1030 | Start 1100 | Finish 1600

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.To facilitate effective networking, spaces are allocated evenly between the archive and Higher Education sectors. We would recommend booking early to avoid disappointment.


Location: University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool, Lincoln