Wednesday 8 September 2021: online symposium
The Open Spaces Society collection at the Museum of English Rural Life includes over 1000 lantern slides from the period 1900 to 1940, and late 19th century legal case material from their campaigns to keep footpaths and access open to commons and other sites of natural beauty. Contributors can draw on a wealth of related material in the MERL Library and Archive. Learn more here: https://collections.reading.ac.uk/collections-overview/themes-and-strengths/landscape-environment-and-rural-life/
We are now calling for short papers or creative submissions, especially in response to the themes outlined. The focus is on countryside preservation and access in 20th century Britain, but comparative and international perspectives are also welcome.
There is space for up to 5 papers of 15 minutes each, plus practical and creative workshop sessions on the image collection.
To offer a paper or creative response, contact: Dr Katrina Navickas, k.navickas@herts.ac.uk by 1 June 2021.
For more information on the project, see http://historyofpublicspace.uk/my-oss-fellowship-at-merl-2021/