A symposium to celebrate ten years of the Castle Studies Trust | Saturday, 10 June 2023 | University of Winchester
Call for Papers, deadline – 16 January 2023
The Castle Studies Trust was founded in 2012 to advance the study of and research into the history and archaeology of castles for public benefit. Over the last ten years the Trust has funded ground-breaking research into castles in the UK, Ireland and further afield. In celebration of this, the Trust is organising the symposium Castle Studies: Present and Futures and seeking proposals for 20-minute research papers. We welcome submissions on any topic exploring castle studies, particularly encouraging papers from projects which link to current and future areas of castle studies. Themes to consider might be (but are not limited to):
- Castles and the Environment
- Gendering Castles
- The Decolonised Castle
- Challenging Orthodoxy
- Theory in Action
Please send a 250 word abstract of your paper to Dr Katherine Weikert (Katherine.Weikert@winchester.ac.uk) and Dr Catriona Cooper (Catriona.Cooper@canterbury.ac.uk) by 16 January 2023. We particularly encourage scholars from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds to submit abstracts.
The seminar will also feature poster presentations for early career research and ongoing projects. Proposals for posters should be submitted as above.
The CST relies entirely on public donations to fund our grants; we aim to support attendance and travel for early career, unemployed and under-waged scholars who are giving papers, but hope it is appreciated this will be limited in scope.
For more information about the Castle Studies Trust and its activities visit the Trust website at www.castlestudiestrust.org
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