Wolfson Conference Suite, Senate House
A recent analysis of ‘history teaching at its best’ in universities (Booth, 2014) has presented us with a clear picture of the issues we face as historians and an indication of some of the ways in which our discipline can engage, in broad terms, with the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). There are many challenges. How can we best enhance and support both the student and staff experience using research-informed teaching? How can we use pedagogic research, theory and innovations in order to engage learners, at all levels? How can we make sense of and manage change in higher education without sacrificing academic quality and identity? How can we teach not only our discipline, but also across, into and within others? How do we support students through critical transition points and intellectual thresholds?
In addressing these questions and others, this conference will explore theory and practices in teaching, learning and assessment in critical areas such as public history education; the use of digital and other new technologies; the relationship between school and university history; pedagogic theory, practice and the student experience; ethical dimensions and the teaching of ‘controversial’ subjects; learning outside the classroom; employability and work-based learning; policy, policy-makers and strategy. Papers, workshops and round table discussions will provide opportunities to disseminate and showcase evidence-informed practise from the higher education sector, facilitate discussion and debate and provide networking opportunities for participants.
This event is sponsored by The Royal Historical Society, Institute of Historical Research, History UK and The Historical Association
Dr Mike Maddison (former OFSTED National Lead for History) will give a keynote address on “Developments in Schools History”
Professor Maggie Andrews (University of Worcester) will give a keynote address on “Politics, Problems and Possibilities: why teaching must really matter for historians”
More information here.
Booking to attend the conference is now open.
Registration fee: £96.05 per person for both days; £53.65 if registering for only one day.
For information about bursaries for students, please contact Peter D’Sena, Senior Research Fellow at the IHR: Peter.D’Sena@sas.ac.uk. For early career academics, bursaries are available – but contact Peter D’Sena first.
Registration deadline for Speakers: Thursday 30 July 2015
Registration deadline for Delegates: Friday 4 September 2015
There will be an evening meal at a nearby restaurant on Tuesday 8 September. Information about this will be sent to all delegates. The approximate cost will be between £40 to £50.
On Monday 7 September there is a New to Teaching event.
Register to attend the New to Teaching event
For general enquiries about the conference venue, please contact Gemma Dormer, Events Officer at the IHR: gemma.dormer@sas.ac.uk