Join us for a free talk on creating Science City 1550–1800: The Linbury Gallery, a new permanent gallery at the Science Museum.
This new gallery explores how science shaped London, and London shaped science. In 1550, London was a hustling, bustling, rapidly expanding commercial city, with a relatively modest position on the world stage; by 1800, it was a world city and a leading centre of science. The gallery tells the story of how science was integral to that transformation.
In this free talk, Alexandra Rose and Jane Desborough will discuss the making of the gallery and the challenges they faced in developing content, narratives and interpretation. Curators needed to evoke the places and spaces of science in London, and create meaningful displays of early-modern scientific instruments (which, while often beautiful, can be unfamiliar and remote to many museum visitors).You will also hear about accompanying participatory programmes, designed to engage new audiences with the museum’s collections and the gallery themes.
An excellent talk for anyone interested in museums, galleries and collections, as well as the history of science.
Seminars start at 5.15pm in Wolfson NB01, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1 7HU.
All are welcome and there is no need to book.
Find out more about this seminar here:
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