British Nonconformity in the Long Eighteenth Century

Date / time: 1 June - 22 June, 12:00 am

British Nonconformity in the Long 18th Century Working Group. 

Welcomes abstracts of up to 250 words for 20-minute papers on any subject relating to the working group should be submitted to Prof. B. A. Song ( by June 1, 2023. 

Papers can be presented in person or synchronously via Zoom. 

Conference: June 22 at 10 am to 4 pm BST, St Mary's University Twickenham

Conference – 22 June 2023, St Mary’s University (and online) | Call for Papers, deadline – 1 June 2023 

As a working group of the American Society of Church History, we facilitate discussions on any aspect of English nonconformity during the long eighteenth century. This was a time when ecclesiastical boundaries became increasingly blurred, due to the rise in evangelicalism and heterodoxy. Nonconformists provided some of the most substantial contributions to eighteenth-century religious life, through the hymns of Isaac Watts and the writings of Philip Doddridge, but they also remained on the margins of religious and cultural life. This group will provide space to discuss all aspects of research that pertain to this period. Geographically, this group focuses on the British Isles, with particular focus on England, and stretches chronologically from the “glorious revolution” to the end of the Georgian era.

We will have our first in-person meeting on June 22, 2023, at St. Mary’s University, Twickenham. For this day conference, we welcome all relevant papers on British Nonconformity in the long 18th century. Please submit a proposal (200–300 words) and a biographical note to Prof. Baiyu Andrew Song ( by June 1, 2023.

The conference is free. It will be both in-person and online.

Registration is required: