Cardiff University, Glamorgan Building

The upcoming conference, The Archaeology of the Latin East: A Conference in Honour of Professor Denys Pringle will be held at Cardiff University on 17-18 September 2016 and will coincide with the release of a Festschrift entitled Crusader Landscapes in the Medieval Levant: The Archaeology and History of the Latin East, ed. M. Sinibaldi, K. J. Lewis, B. Major and J. A. Thompson (University of Wales Press, 2016).
Details about the programme, accommodation and travel to Cardiff can be found on our website https://latineastconference.wordpress.com. Anyone interested in attending is asked to register via Eventbrite through the link found on the home page.
Archaeology of the Latin East – Programme
For those individuals arriving early, a field trip to Caerphilly castle has been arranged for the afternoon of Friday 16 September. Any participants who are interested, are asked to indicate this on the Eventbrite registration form. The cost of entry will be covered; however, transportation will be extra (see website for details).
There is limited funding available for students who wish to attend. All students are eligible and applicants are asked to send a 250 word abstract outlining their interest in the conference and its relevance to their studies to Dr. Michael Fulton at strongholdarchaeology@gmail.com.