1914-2014: “The Black Legend” – Then and Now symposium

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Date / time: 27 September, All day

Senate House, Institute for Historical Research

1914-2014: "The Black Legend" - Then and Now symposium

A hundred years have passed since the publication of Julián Juderías’ La Leyenda Negra. To celebrate the centenary there will be a one-day Symposium at The Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, London. The day will assess where subsequent scholarship has taken the study of the Black Legend since the publication of Juderías’ classic text, and will also focus on the current research of graduate students in the field.

Dr John Edwards (University of Oxford) will present a plenary address on ‘“The Black Legend” – then and now’.

This will be followed by a roundtable discussion between leading scholars in the field. Confirmed speakers include: Prof. Mia Rodríguez-Salgado (London School of Economics), Dr Alexander Samson (University College London), and Dr John Edwards.