The death of Queen Elizabeth I in 1603 marked not only the succession of James VI of Scotland to the English throne but also a change of dynasty from Tudor to Stuart. This conference explains how, in a world of weak bureaucracy that depended on the willingness of powerful people to govern, a change of dynasty influenced the governance of the realm.
Location: The Huntingdon Library, 1151 Oxford Road San Marino, CA 91108, United States
Organizers: Norman Jones (Utah State) and Paulina Kewes (Oxford)
Papers include:
Paulina Kewes: Regime Change: A Transnational Perspective
Norman Jones: Regime Change: An Internal Perspective
Susan Doran (University of Oxford): A Jagged Transition: The Accession of James I
Paul E. J. Hammer (University of Colorado, Boulder): Regime Change and the Legacy of the Earl of Essex
Ioannis E. Evrigenis (Tufts University): The Transformation of Sovereignty: Bodin, Gentili, and Grotius between James VI and James
David Chan Smith (Wilfred Laurier University): Regime Change and the Cycle of Compromise and Corruption
Roger Mason (University of St. Andrews): Regime Change, 1595-1606: The View from Scotland
Jenna M. Schultz (University of St. Thomas): Regime Change, 1595-1605: Unification and Discord in the Borderlands
R. Malcolm Smuts (University of Massachusetts, Boston): James VI and I, Henry IV and the Dutch: A Study in Diplomatic Equivocation
Aysha Pollnitz (Rice University): Peace with Spain in 1604: A Sea Change in the Atlantic?
Nicholas Popper (College of William and Mary): Antiquarianism and the Jacobean Regime
Robert Frost (University of Aberdeen): Although the king dies, authority does not perish: Commonwealth, Political Union, and Regime Change, 15471707
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